What Is Silica and How Can it Support Your Health?
Silica, also known as silicon dioxide or SiO2, is a colorless, white, chemical compound. Silica is made of the most common elements on earth, silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2). It’s also the most abundant...
View ArticleWhat Is Horsetail? Discover Its Benefits and Uses
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is an herbal plant found in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.[1] The name Equisetum literally translates to “horse bristle” in Latin. It’s also known as...
View ArticleEnjoy These 10 Detox Water Recipes All Year Long!
Detox water has become a wildly popular diet craze. Many hail it as a miracle diet and think it can support weight loss. Could this be a revolutionary new way to drop pounds and trim the physique, or...
View ArticleHow the Body Uses Oxygen
Oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas that is essential for life.[1] Life as we know it literally could not exist without oxygen. Billions of years ago there was very little oxygen in Earth’s...
View ArticleBody Cleanse: 6 Ways to Do a Body Detox
If you follow this website, you know that detoxing is a subject of huge importance to us. In fact, performing regular body cleanses and detoxes are a core principle of my beliefs on health and...
View ArticleHow Much Do You Think About What Influences Your Diet?
How do you decide what to eat? Think about what influences your decision. Nutrition, taste, health, cultural preferences and taboos, regional specialties, availability, personal preference, dietary...
View ArticleVermont GMO Labeling: Monsanto’s Latest Controversy
In 2014, the state of Vermont passed a progressive GMO labeling law that would require GMO foods producers to clearly identify all genetically modified food products. This legislation extends to any...
View ArticleThe Selenium Element and Its Role in Human Nutrition
Selenium (Se) is a trace mineral with a very important role in human nutrition. Many of the human body’s normal physiological functions require a small, but vital, amount of selenium.[1] Selenium rich...
View ArticleIs It Time to Reform the Toxic Substances Control Act?
The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA for short) is a federal law in the United States that gives the nation’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to set, maintain, and...
View ArticleWhat Effect Does the Alkaline Diet Have on Gut Health?
The alkaline diet is a trendy diet aimed at managing acidity levels within the body. The alkaline diet claims you can consume certain foods to adjust your body’s acidity, or pH levels, to improve your...
View ArticleSelenium and Cell Function: Is Selenium an Antioxidant?
The element selenium (Se) is a powerful antioxidant[1] and an important micronutrient that’s absolutely essential for human health.[2] Selenium deficiency is a problem that leads to a variety of...
View ArticleNutritional Considerations for Alcohol Detoxification
Alcohol is the most commonly abused legal substance in the United States and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has revealed shocking facts to prove it. Nearly 25% of people ages...
View ArticleWhy Thyroid Health Is Completely Dependent on Selenium
The thyroid is essential to some of the body’s most critical processes, including the development of the nervous and skeletal systems.[1] For the thyroid to function normally, it must receive the...
View ArticleWhat Are the Wellness Benefits of N-acetylcysteine?
Cysteine is an amino acid that the body is able to transform into antioxidants like glutathione.[1] N-acetylcysteine, also commonly called acetylcysteine, is a form of cysteine that has been specially...
View ArticleQuick Superfood Recipes: 4 Ingredient Zucchini Tater Tots
What ingredients come to mind when someone says, “tater tots”? Taters, of course. How about zucchini? No? Well, that’s about to change. This vegan recipe is healthy, gluten-free, and tastes amazing....
View ArticleThe Mustard Seed: Humble Herb or Powerful Superfood?
Mustard seeds may not look like anything special but they are actually loaded with nutrients and can be exceptionally beneficial for the human body. Mustard seeds are important for a variety of...
View ArticleRefined Sugar: Sweet But Toxic to Your Health
Most of us recognize that sugar does not promote good health. In fact, most people know that sugar is unhealthy, but not everyone understands the full extent of its unhealthiness. Refined sugar, such...
View ArticleWhat Is Selenium Sulfide and Can it Benefit Your Health?
Selenium sulfide is a chemical compound created by fusing atomic selenium (Se) and sulfur (S).[1] The selenium and sulfur combination has been shown to promote skin health and thus selenium sulfide is...
View ArticleHow Alcohol Affects the Gut Microbiome
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) reports that alcohol consumption is a normal part of life for many people.[1] Although it’s difficult to consider alcohol consumption...
View ArticleEnjoy this Chipotle-Lime Roasted Cauliflower Recipe
Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables. Raw or cooked, I love it. I found a recipe from Shawnda at The Brewer and the Baker that gives this veggie a spicy kick. Besides being delicious, it’s...
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